50's sunglasses

Gallery 1950 sunglasses and necklace of a key, kate spade cardigan,skirt(wearing like a bare top), bangle, micanga and coat, spic and span pants, H.P.FRANCE earrings

I have been looking for 50's sunglasses like Breakfast at Tiffany's. At last I found it at Gallery 1950! This design is not too square and round. This form is a perfect! It is so dresses and casual clothes.I often wore it on kimonosnack recently.
The necklace of a key is also a design of an ideal! Since I ordered for it, I will get it next year. When I was a clerk of A STORE ROBOT, a fan Sid Vicious often asked, "Do you have the same key Sid were doing?" It is a necklace of a padlock. I do not remember any longer whether it is that it is SEDITIONARIES. However, I thought that I liked design not a lock but a key. So it is a very happy shopping for me.
An owner, Mr.Shuzo, designs sunglasses and a necklace. Male Brand is often born from female Brand. But Gallery 1950 is almost Men's line and we can sometimes get ladies. There is smartness by which men's lines will not be born there from a woman if a ladies line is produced like Gallery 1950. So I thinks that it is great.

映画「ティファニーで朝食を」でオードリーがかけているようなフィフティーズのサングラスをずっと探していました。そしてついにGallery 1950で運命のサングラスに出合えました。丸すぎず、四角すぎず、どこからみても完璧なフォルム。ドレスにもカジュアルな服装にもどちらにも合うサングラスです。最近のkimonosnackでもよくかけているのでチェックしてみてね。
サングラスもネックレスもオーナーの修三さんのデザイン。女性ブランドから男性ブランドが生まれることはよくありますが、Gallery 1950のように、メンズラインがからレディースラインが生まれると、そこには女の人からは生まれないかっこよさがあって、そこがいいなと思います。


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