Peter Luger Steakhouse

The 2nd day in NY tour, I went to shopping at kate spade at SOHO, and neighboring JACK SPADE. It moved to Brooklyn after that. I had a lunch at Peter Luger Steakhouse! I was not able to eat up very delicious and juicy meat, so I got leftover steak.
On the last photo, Mari and Nori are very cute sisters, and strawberries suits them well. You can see a lot of posts about this NY tour on their blog "marinori". Tomorrow, I will post about a cute chocolate shop!!!

NYツアー2日目の午前中は、SOHOのkate spadeでお買い物して、近所のJACK SPADEにも行きました。その後はブルックリンへ移動し、Peter Luger Steakhouseでランチ。とってもおいしくてジューシーなお肉は食べきれなかったけど、お土産にしてもらいました。最後の写真のmariちゃんとnoriちゃんは、イチゴが似合うかわいい姉妹。二人のブログmarinoriでは、すでに今回のツアーの話がたくさんアップされているので見てみてね。 明日はブルックリンで話題のチョコレートやさんを紹介します。お楽しみに☆


  1. You're in New York!! Have fun
    in NY city c: I have families
    living there :P
    The strawberry and cream looks


  2. Beautiful post!!!
    Have a wonderful weekend, dear! and my g+ for you...

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥


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