Spring White Coat From Oskar

Last night, I watched the film ’Tenshin’on iTunes. Tenshin Okakura expanded Japan modern art when it had fallen into a decline. His fashion in the film is very unique, but I’m interested in a simple white clothe called ‘Shiroshozoku’ of his students, Taikan Yokoyama, Kanzan Shimomura, Kimura busan, and Shunsou Hishida. You can see it at 52 minutes on YouTube. I love balance of abstinence and freedom from the color of white.

昨夜、岡倉天心(1863-1913)のお話の映画『天心』をiTunesで観ました。 天心は、近代日本美術の発展に大きな功績を残した方です。 映画の中の岡倉天心が非常に個性的なファッションでしたが 天心の服装よりも、生徒の横山大観、下村観山、木村武山、菱田春草の四人が質素な白装束を着て日本画を描いているシーン(予告動画の52秒のところ)が天心と対照的でとても印象的。 白の、禁欲と自由が感じられるところに惹かれます。

I got this white long coat at Trampoin10 near my home this January. The material is ramie, and this coat has very elegant drape. If I make a mistake of outfit balance, I’ll look like a doctor. I wear modern stole and shoes, so my outfit is so me. Next time I’d love to style this coat with a belt like a white dress!

春が来る前に、近所のtrampoin10でオスカーというブランドの真っ白なロングコートに出合いました。 素材は麻ですが、生地をたくさん使って仕立てられたエレガントなドレープが美しいです。 合わせ方を間違えるとお医者さんの白衣のように見えてしまいそうなので、そこは気をつけました。 今回のようにモードなストールや靴を使って印象を変えてみたり、あとはベルトを使ってウエストを絞れば白のワンピースのように着てみるのもよさそうです。

Oskar coat, Sayaka Davis pants, Dries Van Notenshoes, Kate Spade stole and bag


  1. You look stunning in this outfit dear! I love your bag :-)

  2. So glam, as usual, I love your white coat!
    Kisses, Paola.


  3. The coat! The scarf! The shoes! Perfection, Akiko.

  4. This coat is absolutely gorgeous and suits you so well. The style is perfect for these months as it starts to get a little warmer, and I love how you've styled it out with brighter colours and accessories.

    Have a good weekend dude :)
    Amy; Wandering Everywhere

  5. I'm looking everywhere for a white coat, still need to find one. Yours is stunning!

    Almost Stylish

  6. Hey Akiko,

    Thanks for the recommendations, already saved them in my bookmarks to watch them during my free time or in a flight, it is always good to have backup entertaining material. Hahaha and I laughed a lot with the doctor comment, but you really managed to pull off a really good outfit with the right pop of color :D



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