Onbashira Festival With VINCE. Leather Leggings

I went to Onbashira festival in Nagano on this Sunday. I checked the festival on YouTube and I knew it was very traditional. My outfit was minimal style to keep a low profile. But it was boring, so I added AKIRA NAKA knit from last year's collection and packed a blanket in my rucksack. The festival is held every seven years in the Lake Suwa area of Nagano, Japan. Some people dead in the past. It is so dangerous. On the way to the station, I had photos taken by him near Lake Suwa. And I met my friend, Mr. Hettori by chance! By the way, the leggings that I found at trampoin10 are very cool, aren't they? There are zippers on the side of them. I heard this was rare. Wearing shoes without socks is better, but I recommend wool socks, like the first photo, because it is cold on a mountain in Spring!!

日曜日に長野の御柱祭りへ行ってきました。 このお祭りをよく調べてみると、かなり渋い感じがしたのであまり目立たないようにモノトーンスタイルで行く事に決め、でも、なんだかそれではつまらないのでAKIRA NAKAの去年のコレクションのニットを合わせました。リュックには、毛布も入れていきました。御柱祭りは7年に一度のお祭り。死者もでるほどの危険なお祭りで有名です。帰りに、諏訪湖付近で撮影していたら、友人のへっとり君に遭遇。ところで、trampoin10で先日見つけたVINCE.のレザーのレギンス、素敵でしょ!サイドにジッパーがついていて、珍しいタイプだそうです。素足で履くのがかっこいいけど、春の山は寒いので一番上の写真のように、ウールの靴下を履いていってくださいね。

MACKINTOSH coat, AKIRA NAKA knit, VINCE. leggings, JACK PURCELL×Gallery1950 shoes, H.P.FRANCE sunglasses, and Building Block bag


  1. Wow this festival looks so cool! Thanks for sharing! I love your low key outfit :) xx

  2. Your outfits looks so fantastic, you have a great style!

  3. Intresting festival! i have never heard this one before :)
    your outfit suits well for day in a cold mountain.

  4. Thank you for your lovely comments!
    I would love to see your festival looks♡



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