Sergei Polunin's Film 'Dancer'

My followers of Instagram and Twitter knew that Sergei Polunin came to Japan this April. In 2010 Polunin became the Royal Ballet's youngest ever principal dancer. After two years, he announced his resignation from the company... I don't know ballet well, but I know his images from the cover of the CR fashion book, the video of Dior Homme, and with Natalia who is his girlfriend. In April, when Uplink invited me for the special event of two nights, I was so excited! On the first day, I saw his own performance and enjoyed his talk after a preview of the film 'DANCER'. He told that there are a lot of sad and terrible things in the world, so art must be more beautiful. He performs not only in ballet, but different genre of dances and movies. His experiences have him meeting many artists. So he noticed he is also an artist. Last day, Uplink held a cocktail party at a cafe in Bunkamura. Polunin put his arms arround everybody when we took a photo with him. My waist became warm from his hand, so I touched his hand and told him 'Warm! Warm!' over and over again. Then He told me with a smile,"Cold..." because my hands is always cold. Our talking was a little funny, and I was so happy. By the way, 'Dancer' comes out 15th this month in Japan! You can see information of some of the events related to the film on here. I love the film very much! If you live in another country, have you seen it?

私のインスタグラムとtwitterのフォロワーの方はもうご存知だと思いますが、4月にセルゲイ・ポルーニンさんが来日しました。 セルゲイさんは19歳で英ロイヤル・バレエ団史上最年少のプリンシパルになり、しかし、わずか2年で電撃退団…。 バレエについて私は詳しくありませんが、彼の姿はファッションの媒体で時々見かけたことがあり、その画像や映像はしっかりと記憶に焼き付けられていました。 CR fashionbookの表紙Dior Hommeの映像、恋人のナタリーさんとの写真などです。 4月に、UPLINKさんから二夜連続、素敵なイベントの招待状が届いたときは、驚きと嬉しさで仕事が手につかないほどでした。 初日は東京藝術大学音奏楽堂でドキュメンタリー映画『DANCER』の試写と、セルゲイさんのライブとトークショーも! 印象に残っているお話は、今の地球は悲しいことや悲惨なことがあまりにも多すぎるから、アートは美しさををもっと表現すべきだということ。 彼はバレエだけでなく様々なダンスに挑戦し、映画にも出演。様々な体験からアーティストといわれる人達と出会い、自分もアーティストなんだと気づいたそうです。 翌日は、文化村のカフェでカクテルパーティがありました。 写真撮影の時にセルゲイさんは全ての方の腰に手を回してくれました。 セルゲイさんの手の感触は、ふわっとしていて、腰回りが温かくなりました。近くににいらしたかたも、彼の手は発光している!と言っていました。撮影の後、思わずセルゲイさんの手をWarm!Warm!と触りまくってしまいましたが、微笑みながら私の手のことを、Coldと優しく言ってくれたのが嬉しかったです。 さて、映画『DANCER』の公開は7/15から。私ももう一度観たいです。映画とのタイアップイベントも楽しそうです。


  1. Thanks a lot :D

    Seems to be amazing dear. I want this bag! OMG!

    InstagramFacebook Official PageMiguel Gouveia / Blog Pieces Of Me :D

    1. Thank you, Miguel!!
      I love your blog very much<3


  2. Beautiful photos and sketch, dear friend!

  3. I am green with envy. You are such a lucky woman. I am fond of him and of ballet, which I practiced for a few years. I also think there is so much sadness and terrible things in the world that is why we should celebrate beauty art and wonderful moments that life give us.
    You really looked excited and so happy.
    Thank you for this amazing post.

    1. Oh, I am glad that you know him!!
      Thank you so much<3


  4. I have seen the film and I loved it. You are so lucky to meet him in person, his charisma comes across even in the photo.

    1. You also know him!!
      His charisma is so beautiful!!


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