Aveda's New Products: Invati Advanced

I attended the press release for Aveda's new products from . We had power sweets inspired by indian sweets. We also enjoyed watching indian dance and listening to the tabla by Mr. U-zhaan. After that We learned plant-derived beauty and science. I worked with Aveda Japan, and stickers of my illustrations for with Aveda's Instagram ID @avedajapan are on the table! By the way, the new product series is called 'Invati Advanced'. It is greater than 'Invati' that is Aveda's standout products. The shampoo, conditioner, and scalp revitalizer will be released of 1st January next year. In Japan, the revitalizer will be released on the 10th of this month! I was so moved by the presentation by Ms. Cindy K. Angerhofer. I could understand the evolution of the new products.
1. Invati was 33% decrease in hair loss. But Invati Advanced has upgraded to 53% decrease.
2. The scalp revitalizer has also blended with Amura which instantly makes the hair thicker from the root
3. Essence was powered up. The care used to be twice a day, now it is once a day.
4. By Aveda dedicated perfumer Guy Vincent, the aroma has become more modern.

I have used "Invati Advanced" for a week, and I feel my hair is richer. In addition, I would love to share big news with you! ! Follow @avedajapan on Instagram and post including the hashtag '#Avedaパワーのみなもと'(the meaning is the source of power) for you to possibly win a trip to the American Aveda headquarters. I often heard it is a wonderful place from editors and writers. The report by Ms. Jessica Michibata on CREA website is so beautiful. Click here! It is one of the places I would love to visit someday!

先日、アヴェダの新製品発表会に行ってきました。 素敵な会場でインドのお菓子にインスパイアされたパワースイーツをいただきながら、植物由来の美と科学のお話、インドの踊り、そしてユザーンさんのタブラも! さらに、私のイラストの@avedajapanのステッカーも配られましたよ。是非、ノートやファイルに貼って楽しんでくださいね。 さて、今回の新製品は、アヴェダのヒーロー「インヴァティ」がパワーアップし、 98%自然界由来成分の「インヴァティ アドバンス」として、 シャンプー、コンディショナー、ヘア&スカルプ エッセンスの3製品が来年の1月1日に登場します。 日本では世界に先駆けヘア&スカルプ エッセンスが10月10日に先行発売されました! 来日されたシンディ・アンガーホファーさんに、今回のパワーアップの4つの秘密を教えていただきましたよ。
1.インヴァティは抜け毛33%減少でしたが、インヴァティ アドバンスは53%減少へパワーアップ。
2.。ヘア&スカルプ エッセンスにも、瞬時に髪を根元から太くするアムラを配合。

早速、いただいた「インヴァティ アドバンス」を使用し1週間がたちましたが、気になる頭頂部に豊かさを感じます。 さらに、ビッグニュースも!!インスタグラムで、@avedajapanをフォローし、「#Avedaパワーのみなもと」を含めた投稿をするとアメリカのアヴェダ本社を訪れる旅行が当たります。アヴェダ本社は、編集さんやライターさんから夢のように素敵なところだと伺っていて、道端ジェシカさんのレポートもCREAのサイトで拝見して(こちらです)、私もいつか訪れてみたい場所の一つです。


  1. This Aveda event looked like so much fun! And although my hair is now short, hair care has always been my most favorite thing in the beauty industry.


    1. Thank you, Adri!
      I love your short hair style!!


  2. Wonderful photos of this event, dear Akiko! I love all the costumes, and you always look great in your photos. Thank you so much for sharing. :)

    1. Thank you, Linda!
      Those products from Aveda are really great!!


  3. I love Avenda products as well! very nice quality and my skin likes it as well

    P.S. your top looks absolutely fantastic!

    Inside and Outside Blog

    1. Thank you, Lyosha!
      I love this blouse very much!!


  4. Thnak you for the information!
    Have a lovely day!!



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