The Henrietta Hotel In London

I went to London last month! Although I had been there twenty seven years ago, It was my first solo trip in foreign country. I don't have good sense of direction and I'm not confident in my ability of talking English. I used to lose a interest in a travel during raising my son. Now I'm interested in it again, and this time I would love to try something I couldn't do. I needed to a wonderful hotel to travel alone. If I have a big problem, a common hotel can't encourage me. So I reserved the Henrietta Hotel in inpulse on! The 18 bedrooms were designed by Dorothée Meilichzon. I really love her design mixed with midcentury and art deco style. I stayed there for six days. It was very comfy like my home! The staffs were very great!! I drew my comic about the hotel for January issue of Glow fashion magazine in Japanes. I translate in English and post on my Tumblr within the year! By the way, the V&A Museum has held the Balenciaga: Shaping Fashion exhibition. I could take a train alone and ask stranger people the way to the museum! It was a big adventure and very fabulous time!! I will post about Covent Garden near the Henrietta Hote next postl!

先月、ロンドンへ行ってきました。27年前にも一度行った事がありますが、今回は始めての海外一人旅。重度の方向オンチで、英会話にもまだ自信がく、しかも、子育て期間中に旅への興味がすっかり薄れてしまっていました…。そんな私ですが、再び旅への好奇心が大きくなり、せっかくなので何かできなかったことにチャレンジしてみたいと思うようになりました。そのためには素敵なホテルに宿泊しないといけません。もなぜなら、もし一人旅で大きなトラブルがあった場合、普通のホテルでは立ち直れないから。理想のホテルをネットで探していたら、Booking.comで衝動的にヘンリエッタホテルを5泊予約してしまいました。でも大正解でしたよ。Dorothée Meilichzonさんによるインテリアデザインは、ミッドセンチュリーとアールデコがミックスされ、まるで家にいるかのように居心地がよかったです。スタッフの方もとても親切でした。詳しくはGLOW 1月号の連載で漫画を描きましたので是非ご覧くださいませ。ところで、ロンドンのおしゃれ美術館、V&Aミュージーアムではバレンシアガ展を開催中です。私も行ってきました。一人で電車にも乗れて、知らない人に道を聞く事もできて、バレンシアガの美しい世界にも浸ることができ、今まで経験した事の無い旅を味わうことができました。次回はホテル周辺のコヴェント・ガーデンをお届けします。お楽しみに☆

Cedric chalrier coat, Kate spade bag, Tan knit blouse, Vince. leather leggings, Converse shoes, Gucci sunglasses/ Sayaka Davis blouse and pants


  1. I am sure that it was great time in London :-)

  2. you look awesome

  3. This hotel look cute and very modern in one :-) You lokk stunning in this outfit I love your top :-)

  4. My favorite city! I try to go every year and know it quite well but have never seen this beautiful hotel. I like how you drew yourself into the room :-)

  5. That hotel looks amazing!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hello Akiko! What a great expedition. This hotel look cute and very arty :-) Next time, you have to come to Geneva, I'll show you around. It's nice that you have started travelling abroad on your own.

    1. Thank you so much!! I haven't been to Geneva. When I visit there, I tell you!!


  8. Okay. You can find my email address in my post "About Me".

    1. Thank you!! If I visit Geneva, I'll send mail to you!


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