Hakuji Long Coat

Hi everyone! How is your New Year's food? In Japan many people have mochi (rice cakes) every day, and it's easy to gain weight. My mother sent me and my son Noshi-mochi (spread mochi) which was almost the same size as a 21.5-inch iMac. I cut it into 24 pieces, but I ate only a few pieces. My son had six pieces at one time. So most of the mochi was in his stomach. Anyway, I didn't gain weight. I think the wall of the Tsutaya Book Store where I had a photoshoot for today's blog was so beautifully white, like mochi! I'm not a fan of the shop, but I love the architecture! It is such a great place for fashion bloggers. The google map is here. By the way, I wore a tank under this long coat, because the coat from Hakuji which I got at Trampoin10 is very warm. I chose this necklace from House of Harlow 1960 to fill the empty at my neckline. I got this skirt-like kilt about twenty years ago, and it is also warm because of the thick wool. As a result, I took off my tights. However, it was a little cold.

みなさま、こんにちは。お餅を食べ過ぎていませんか? 我が家は、毎年実家から届くのし餅が、こんなに美味しいお餅は生まれて初めてというくらいに美味しくて、一週間で全部平らげてしまいました。 息子が一度に6個も食べるので、ほとんど彼の胃袋へ、私は少ししか食べられなくて残念です。 でも、おかげで正月太りにならずにすみました。 代官山の蔦屋書店の壁も、つきたてのお餅のように真っ白です。肌の色がきれいに撮影できてブロガーのみなさまにおすすめですよ。 蔦屋書店の中は私には気取りすぎていて落ち着かないのですが、外観は気持ちがいいです。地図はこちらです。 trampoin10で見つけたHakujiのロングコートはとっても温かいので、中はノースリーブにしました。 胸元が開きすぎてしまったのでハウス・オブ・ハーロウのネックレスを合わせました。 厚地のウール地のキルト風スカートは、20年くらい前のもの。 これも温かいので、タイツは脱いでみました。 ちょっと寒かったです。

Hakuji coat, Dignite Collier tank, unknown skirt, Robert Clergerie shoes, Kate Spade watch and bag House of Harlow 1960 necklace


  1. Awesome selection!
    Have a nice evening!
    Gil Zetbase

  2. I've never tried mochi but it sounds irresistible hahaha! I love this coat on you, such a beautiful colour and length.


  3. You are so pretty in this lovely purple coat, Akiko! Happy New Year, my friend.

  4. OMG, loving this purple coat, it's so amazing

    Kiss kiss.*Jo
    Jo & Company Style

  5. Oh my, the coat is so beautiful!!! You look great :-)
    I like a rice cakes very much, although I am not sure are the cakes similar to Japanese rice cakes :-)

  6. Your coat is so cute! I love the colour on you! :) xx

  7. this coat is very pretty! See ou in April!


  8. Thank you for your lovely comments always♡
    I'll visit your blog soon :)


  9. Violet coat look perfect on you and this color is so trendy!!!! Wonderful styling my dear:-)


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