Today's Goro

I have spent a lot of time with Goro, since I moved my studio to my home two and a half years ago. He is 13 years old so he walks slower day by day. It looks like he is walking in a pool. However he doesn't struggle to do it and his face looks young. His cute actions makes me feel like a mother! By the way, my outfits for taking Goro for a walk are often monotone like him. This day we happen to see a wonderful person with dogs. He or she wore stripe pants like a prisoner and a hoodie gilet with a waist bag! The dogs also wore red clothes and they stood out. Goro and I felt like losers and went back home.

2年半前にホームオフィスにしてから、ゴローと過ごす時間が一気に増えました。 もう13歳なので、歩く速度も日に日に遅くなっていき、足腰が空回りして前になかなか進まないみたい。 でも、必死になるわけでもなく、いつまでも気分は若者みたいな表情に母性本能をくすぐられます。 さて、ゴローの散歩の時は彼を真似してモノトーンスタイルが多いです。 この日は面白い出来事がありました。 ゴローが突然立ち止まって動かないので振り返ると、3匹も大きな犬を連れた同じようにモノトーンのシマシマの方が! その方は囚人服っぽいボーダーパンツを白のフード付きベストに合わせて、腰にはトレンドのウエストバッグ。 私たちは潔く負けをを認め家に帰りました。

Sisii jacket, Chinti And Parker knit wear, Gucci sunglasses and stole, Alexander wang shoes


  1. Great shooting!
    Have a nice week-end!
    Gil Zetbase

  2. Oh Goro is such a cutie! My little fur baby is turning 12 this year and still looks and acts like a puppy. I hope she'll never change too. <3


  3. こんばんは。モノトーンでワンちゃんの散歩での出会い、こういう出会いも serendipity と言うのでしょうか。
     洋服のセンスと着こなしは、Akiko sama が断然上、天と地、プロとアマほどの差が歴然ですね。3匹の犬を連れた方は今度のファッション、何を着るか悩んでしまいそうに感じました。

  4. Goro looks adorable! 13 years is a good. He looks younger on photos (if you don't pay attention on grey fur on his face).
    You look so comfy for a walk!

  5. Goro is adorable indeed. And that first photo - it doesn't get more stylish.


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