Kate Spade New York Fall 2018 Collection

Hi everyone! Today’s blog is a report of the Kate Spade New York Fall 2018 Collection. This year is Kate Spade New York’s 25th anniversary. Their road trip for the celebration started with the Spring collection, and they are continuing it. They arrive in Nashville, Tennessee, The Home of Country and Western Music. I didn't know much about Nashville, so I would love to see the film, 'Nashville' directed by Robert Altman. The collection was held at the club eX in the Shinagawa Prince Hotel in Tokyo, and the stage was so fantastic.

みなさま、こんにちは。本日は、 Kate Spade New York Fall 2018 コレクションのリポートをお届けします。今年はブランド生誕25周年を祝う大陸横断の旅が春のコレクションからスタートし、秋はテネシー州ナッシュビルに立ち寄りました。私は、ナッシュビルについてあまり知識がないものですから、この機会にロバート・アルトマン監督の『ナッシュビル』を観てみようと思います。イベントの会場は、品川プリンスホテルのクラブeX。 ステージのドラマティックなライトと客席側の赤色の空間がとても素敵でした。

Nicola Glass took over Kate Spade business at this collection. I felt it was a little more mature. The atmosphere is chic, femminine, masculine, intelligent, and pretty humor. The colors are Deep blue, pale pink, and brown like dried leaves. I'm looking forward to autumn although it has been very hot this summer in Tokyo. I would love to wear the knit and earrings with lovely horse patterns soon!!

今回のコレクションからニコラ・グラスさんがクリエイティブ・ディレクターです。 これまでのケイト・スペードよりも、少し大人っぽい感じがしました。 フェミニンとマスキュリン、知性とちょこっとユーモア。 深いブルー、ペールピンク、枯れ葉のようなブラウンのカラーパレット。 私のお気に入りは馬のモチーフのセーターと、ドレッシーなフリンジがついたハンドバッグ。 秋が待ちきれなくて、冷房の効いた部屋で先日届いたコレクションブックを見ながらお買い物計画をするひと時が今、一番楽しい時間です。


  1. Gorgeous collection!
    Have a nice day!
    Gil Zetbase

  2. Beautiful collection, Kate Spade, I'm sure is happy wherever she is!
    I love your illustrations, so cute and beautiful!

    The Flower Duet

  3. You can draw the most delightful illustrations, Akiko!! They are always my favourite ...

    I saw the video : I loved the contrast between black and white and the beautiful red bag...

    If I think of those collections ,,, well , me too am looking forward to autumn!!

  4. Cool event and amazing collection!
    Kisses, Paola.


  5. Beautiful collection! I'm sure many hearts miss her so much. Too bad she left early. Those pieces would look oh-so awesome on you dear. Would love to see you in one of those xoxo

    love lots,


  6. Such a great event! Beautiful collection :-)

  7. Thank you for your comments❤️
    I'll visit your blogs soon!!



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