Fossil Holiday 2018 New Collections

I love to think my plans for the Holiday season, but I usually underestimate and my holiday flies by quickly! If I have a good relationship with a watch, I can plan what I can do. This September, I went to the Fossil Holiday Collection. There were lots of beautiful and great watches, in particular the Fossil Q with heart rate tracking! I work out Radio calisthenics three times a day. It is good that I can step to the music cleaning while my home office. I heard that we can track the heart rate easily, so I would love to try it when I work out. In addition, many people get the Fossil Q on Christmas Day, they must be happy. If you want your boyfriend or husband to exercise, I recommend the watch. They might get a great body!

ハロウィンが終わって、次は年末年始の予定を考え始めているところです。 私は時間の見積もりが昔から下手で、いつもあっという間に過ぎ去ってしまいがちですので、もっと時計と仲良くなれば上手くいくような気がしてきました。 先日のFOSSILのホリーデコレクションでは、素敵な新作がいっぱいでしたよ。 特にFOSSIL Qの新機能の一つに、なんと心拍センサーが内蔵され、更にかっこよく進化。私のワークアウトは一日三回のラジオ体操と、ホームオフィスの掃除洗濯片付です。その時に音楽に合わせてステップを踏みながらエクササイズ。簡単に心拍トラッキングを開始できるそうなので新しいFOSSIL Qを身につけたら、お家ワークアウトがとても楽しくなりそうです。 ギフトとしても喜ばれそうですし、ダイエットをして欲しいボーイフレンドや旦那様にプレゼントしたら、いつの間にか引き締まって変身しているかも!

There were also many wonderful fashion brand watches by Fossil. The Kate Spade watches are so elegant, and I think the Tory Burch watches are beautiful gifts for our mother. I love Holiday Collections, they are always Sparkly and shiny! Which watch do you like the best?


08Sircus top and pants/skirt, Ferragamo shoes


  1. Great post ! really amazing :)

  2. Wow this looks amazing!! Very beautiful watch!

  3. Gorgeous watched. I love the one with the stars!

  4. Hey Akiko, I love that you always go to this kind of events, you really know how to show us the best part of every single presentation :)

    I used to go to similar events but that was a long time ago when I was working in a magazine. I love that watches are getting a revival even in this massive digital world, I love the option of Kate Spade with this cute illustrated flower and the Fossil option with a more digital approach is also great for techies ;)

    Best and always thanks for your support!


  5. I love nice watches, Akiko. And you look beautiful!!!!!!!! Hugs, my dear friend.

  6. Hi, the post seems quite resourceful and I must thank you for the efforts.


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