The Making Of My Illustration For The "Tambourin Gallery presents Fantastic Days"

Hi everyone! Today, I would love to show you making of my illustration for the "Tambourin Gallery presents Fantastic Days". The exhibition starts the 11th of December. The gallery has held the exhibition with many illustrators every year. It was the first time that I joined with it and drew on a tambourine! I tried to draw to go well with different kinds of room. During I was drawing, my dog, Goro was deedy. I sometimes carried him while I drew. It was reminds of my son when he was a baby.

みなさま、こんにちは。本日は、12/11から始まる「TAMBOURIN GALLERY PRESENTS FANTASTIC DAYS 2018」に出品するイラストの制作風景をお届けしますね。タンバリンギャラリー主催の毎年恒例の企画展に初めてお声かけていただき、タンバリンに絵を描くのも初めてです。どんなインテリアにも似合うようにシンプルに仕上げました。来月14歳になるゴローが、日に日に甘えん坊さんになってきたので、アンジが赤ちゃんの時みたいに抱っこして描きました。

I drew a beautiful woman on the tambourin. First, I drew her silhouette, then I painted her clothe with high-cut legs and Thigh-high boots. Both are trendy item. I hung the tambourin on the wall at different corner of my house. Tiltting it seems interesting. You can see this illustration at Tambourin Gallery from 12/11(tue)~12/23(sun). Monday is closed. The price is 30,000 yen. There is the gallery at the halfway point between Sendagaya, Harajuku, and Gaienmae station. It is a little far from station to the gallery, but I enjoy to hang around because there are good furniture shops and Ron Herman near the gallery. When I went there in the evening, I sometimes lost way on the way back home. I reached the Aoyama Cemetery which is very big.

イラストについ少し説明しますと、まず、タンバリンが上手そうな美しい女性のシルエットを描いて、その次に衣装を決めました。トレンドのハイレグサイハイブーツです。 さっそく、玄関やお部屋のコーナーに飾ってみました。ちょっと傾けて飾ると、また表情が変わって面白いです。ギャラリーでの展示は12/11(火)〜12/23(日)まで、詳しくはタンバリンのHPで。私のイラストのお値段は3万円です。 タンバリンギャラリーは、千駄ヶ谷駅と外苑前駅と原宿駅のちょうど中間に位置する素敵なギャラリー。駅からは少し歩きますが、途中にセンスのいいお店がいろいろあるので、ギャラリー目指してブラブラ歩くのも楽しいですよ。夕方行くと帰りは真っ暗になるので、方向オンチの私は真逆に歩いて青山墓地まで行ってしまうこともありますので遅い時間はお気をつけ下さいませ。


  1. Absolutely cool, you're so talented!
    Kisses, Paola.


  2. It turned out so beautiful! Great work!

  3. Such a cute idea to pain on tambourine and hang it on the wall!
    I love the pose on your illustration so much as well as pop of color from color. You are so talented.
    However I do believe my family portrait is your best creation)))))


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