Givenchy Trench Dress For Valentine's Day

This excellent dress is from Givency 2017 Spring Trench Dress by Riccardo Tisci that I found at a secondhand shop, Trampoin. These zippers reminds me of bondage pants from Seditionaries. I really love military and pank taste from this dress. Although Tisci's design looks novelty, but it goes well with street.The pre-fall 2019 from Burberry by him was also great. I found lots of clothes which I would like to wear fo business.

Valentine's Day is now drawing near! How are you planning for it? I don't plan much, but I am listening to differnt songs, My Funny Valentine. I work listening to it by Miles Davis or Bill Evans, and I choose it by Chet Baker or Michelle Pfeiffer while sleeping. Speaking of Michelle Pfeiffer, I am watching Scarface. That film is 2 hours and 50 minutes, so I have watched a few minutes a day. I will finish tonight. I didn't know it is such a great fashion in the movie. The movie was released in 1984, then I was 14 years old and my hair style was the same as Al Pacino's hair style in the movie. Michelle Pfeiffer's fashion, dresses, swim wear, and lounge wears are so fabulous! All of the gang's outfits are also interesting. Usually, someone isn't good, but all outfits of all casts are perfect!! Anyway, today's post is an article for Valentine's day, so I chose this fire engine's picture. It feels fire heart. Coincidentally, my outfit colors are chocolate and heart! My dress is brown and my bag is red, they are so Valentine's Day. Last, I saw four people in an escalator manner poster with my illustrations, and they also seemed thinking of Valentine's Day. You can see this poster at lots of stations in Japan until his September.

もうすぐバレンタインデーですね。みなさまは、どんな予定を立てていますか?私は、特に気合いを入れているわけではなくて、ジャズのいろんなMy Funny Valentineを聴きながら過ごしています。仕事中はマイルスとビル・エヴァンス、寝るときはチェット・ベイカーかミシェル・ファイファー。今、ミシェル・ファイファーの『スカーフェイス』を2時間50分もあるので少しずつ観ているんですけど、ファッションがとても素敵な映画だったんですね。1984年公開時、私は中学生でした。アルパチーノと同じヘアスタイルだったのが嬉しいです。ミシェル・ファイファーのドレスや部屋着、水着も素敵で、メンズギャングファッションも面白く、ファッションセンスの惜しい人が、なんと一人もいなくて隅から隅まで味わえます。あと30分で観終わるので、感想は後日ご報告しますね。 話を戻しまして、バレンタイデー直前の記事ということで、燃えるように真っ赤な消防車のアップの写真を選んでみました。私のコーディネイトも偶然チョコレートのブラウンとバッグの赤色がバレンタインカラー。下北沢駅に到着して、なんども見慣れているエスカレーターマナーポスターの中の四人も、バレンタイデーのことを考えているように見えてきましたよ。

Givenchy dress, Manolo Blahnik boots, Kate Spade bag, Fossil watch


  1. you looks so beautiful my blogger freinds.

  2. Wooow!This look is super from head to toe!!

  3. You look truly amazing in this trench can find good designer deals in second hand shops.

    Glowyshoe's blog

  4. You outdid yourself, Akiko! What a stunning look! Happy Valentine's Day.


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