A Bread Festival called 'Pannofes' And The Mitsushi Yanaihara 2019 Exhibition In Yokohama

Last week, I went to two great events in Yokohama with a friend from my college days. Her name is Kiyo, and she lives in Yokohama, so she also planned some sightseeing for me! First, we joined a bread festival called 'Pannofes' around 3:00 pm. It is the biggest bread festival in Japan, so half of the shops were closed because their bread was sold out. Fortunately, We were able to get one of our favorite breads, blueberry bread from Bakery Penny Lane. Next, a big sale of some shops started, and lots of bread were 100 yen (0.89$ )!! Both of our hands were full of bread! After that we went to a cafe and then went to the opening reception of the Mitsushi Yanaihara 2019 Exhibition. I met Mr. Mitsushi Yanaihara, and I thought he was so kind. I was inspired by his artwork. He is a fashion designer and he collaborates with different kinds of people, for example people who live in a rundown area, work in a medical facility or local factory, etc...

先週は、横浜の友達のキヨと久しぶりに会って、二つのビッグイベントに連れて行ってもらいました。一つ目は、日本最大級のパンフェス2019春。私たちは午後3時半ごろに会場の横浜赤レンガ倉庫に着きました。すでに売り切れて閉まっているお店が多かったですが、那須のBakery Penny Laneのピンクのブルーベリーパンを奇跡的にゲット。さらに、百円セールがあちこちで始まり、両手に抱えきれないほどパンを購入しました。その後、キヨとお茶をしていたら、あっという間に日が沈みムーディな横浜の夜を二人で観光しながら次のイベント会場へ移動しました。
ずっと気になっていた矢内原充志さんの展覧会、MITSUI YANAIHARA 2019 EXHIBITION、この日はオープニングレセプションでしたので矢内原さんにお会いできました。日本3大のドヤ街のひとつである横浜市寿町の人々にマッチした服を製作して着てもらい、ポートレートに納めていくアートワークがとても印象的でした。

At the first booth, there were lots of square panels like mobiles. Printed on panels were photos of people wearing Yanaihara's clothes from Kotobuki-cho which is one of the three poorest areas in Japan. A few panels had interesting questions written on them, such as 'What is fashion' and some answers. I went through some amazing panels, and suddenly a lovely hill appeared. When I gazed at it, I realized It was the clothes that the people wore in those photos piled up.They seemed like beautiful shells, and the pictures on the panels floating in the air seemed like the memories that each clothing's shell had experienced before. I considered fashion from a different perspective, and it was like a riddle. After the exhibition, I watched one of my favorite fashion movies, 'Pretty In Pink' at home. Now, this movie is probably my answer of 'What is fashion'. The Mitsushi Yanaihara 2019 Exhibition is on until the 9th of this month, and it is a wonderful exhibition for both people who are interested in fashion and people who don't know much about fashion!

会場の入り口の一番初めのブースには矢内原さんの服を着ているモデルの寿町の人々の写真が正方形に綺麗にカットされ、「ファッションとは何か」というパネルと一緒にモビールになっていました。その中をくぐり抜けると、モデルさんたちが着用された服の山がありました。絵本に出てきそうなカラフルな可愛い山にも見えますし、よく見ると服の抜け殻の山にも見えます。宙を浮いているモデルさんたちの写真が服から離脱した記憶のようにも思えてきました。いつもとは違った角度から「ファッションとは何か」を考えてみる体験は、なぞなぞみたいでとても面白かったです。その晩は、ベッドで映画『プリティ・イン・ピンク/恋人たちの街角』を観ました。お気に入りのファッション映画の一つなんですけど、今、「ファッションとは何か」と聞かれたら、私の答えは『プリティ・イン・ピンク』、かなあ。MITSUI YANAIHARA 2019 EXHIBITIONは今月9日までやっています。ファッション好きな方にも、ファッションが苦手な方にも、この春おすすめの展覧会です♡


  1. Great post dear, so nice and interesting, love it!

  2. Sounds like an interesting exhibit! I love your look, Akiko!
    Kisses, Paola.


  3. Awesome bag and shoes! Do you want to be friends on bloglovin? It’s my link, I follow back.


  4. This is really great event , your photo with wings its amazing :-) Perfect styling my dear!

  5. Great styling dear. I really like the printed pants with the trench, this combo is so elegant. It seems you had a nice time with your friend and visited some great events. That exhibition looks very interesting. I like that this fashion designer collaborates with ordinary people, that seems like a great concept to me.

  6. Bread festival sounds super fun! oh it makes me miss bread with red bean pasta so much (you can't actually buy it here, where I live, nobody sells that).
    Second of all his collection looks great, I can see the soft temper seen through the creations. I am so happy for you that you met one more lovely person
    Third of all I am also happy for to meet up with a friend. It always feels so emotional when I see my friends I haven't seen for a long time. If they give a guide somewhere it is even more touching for me.
    And last but not least, you outfit. You look super comfy yet chic. And that bag! Madly in love!

  7. You take us to the nicest places, Akiko. It all looks so wonderful, you do - as always, and I love that photo of you with wings, very angelic :-)


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