Fascinating Styling With a Plain Kimono in June

Recently, I have really been into trying how to change this plain kimono into someting fantastic. Although I am good at styling a dramatic kimono and dress for a party, it is difficult for me to make a fascinating style with a plain kimono and dress. If I do not think about styling other items well when I wear a plain kimono, my outfit will be boring. I love thinking about mixing and matching, but sometimes I cannot think when I am very tired. At that time, I look at the colors in an obi (it is like a wide belt.). Then I choose items with similar colors, such as an obi string, bag, ring, umbrella, etc. In addition, it it more attractive if one of them is a little unique item. This time, I chose not a yellow handbag, but this unique clutch bag with a print of "New York" in an abstract yellow color. This kimono outfit is so suitable for a lunch meeting or a presentation of my paintings to my customers.

最近の私の挑戦は、この薄いグレーの地味で品のある単衣の紬をどうやって素敵に着こなすかがテーマ。夕方以降のパーティ着物のように、衣装っぽく着るのは得意ですけど、控えめに魅力的に着こなすのは難しいです。いろいろ試して気づいたことは、当たり前ですがアイテムの一つ一つに手を抜かないこと。洋服も一緒。一日中、着回しを考えていられるくらい大好きな私でも、疲れている日は手を抜きたいものです。そんな時は、帯締め、バッグなどの色を帯締めの中の色から拾います。少しはずしたほうが面白いので、黄色のハンドバッグよりも、このケイトのNeYorkと書かれた一部分だけ黄色のクラッチバッグを選んでみました。 ランチミーティングや水墨画をお客さまに直接お見せする時など、華やかな着物よりも、こんな風にシックなスタイルのほうがぴったり。落ち着いて信頼できそうな感じがするでしょ。

As a final touch, I put on light pink lipstick from Tom Ford, Boys And Girls, Gal.
最後に、リップの色をヌーディカラーにしたのも大正解。TOM FORD BOYS AND GIRLS のガルです。

Wagu kimono, Erizen obi, Kate Spade New york bag


  1. you look so beautiful in that kimono, and I really like the yellow bag you paired it with.

    1. I forgot to write that I also love your obi belt. It has yellow that details that match the yellow print on that New York clutch perfectly. This is a great outfit. You always wear kimonos perfectly.

  2. Love how you style the kimonos. You look beautiful!

    Dark Walz

  3. So lovely, you look fab in your kimono style!
    Kisses, Paola.


  4. finally I found a blog about Japanese clothing. Kimono is not only fashion but also culture and national identity. Nice review. I follow your blog now. Thx

  5. So admire how you style your clothes especially your kimonos! Love your obi so much. The print is fantastic! Thank you for letting me know what it's called. hehe I love learning from you. And that New York clutch is so gorgeous. I bet it can be styled in so many different ways!

    love lots,

  6. I am always amazed that you look so at home in both modern cloths and traditional. I love all the kimonos, such gorgeous fabrics.


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