The Omiya Bonsai Art Museum

Last month, I went The Omiya Bonsai Art Museum, Saitama, and it was my first time. I had been interested in bonsai recently because I feel same balance in my lifework, which is india ink painting and traditional Japanese dance. Speaking of india ink painting, it is important to keep the balance of a wave of tree when I paint a pine. And regarding of traditional Japanese dance, I slowly perform with the body half bend , like a Bonsai Tree. I think that bonsai resemble my lifework. The waves created over a long time and the blank space around the tree are amazing. I wanted to go to the Bonsai town and that museum. One day, my sister worked there, so she knows bonsai well. I asked her to take me Bonsai town. It took me about two hours to get there from my home.


We could see a beautiful garden from the terrace located on the second floor of the main building. It was about millesimal scale of the gardens of Versailles, however I felt endless universe. I would love to talk about theart of Bonsai more, but here is fashion blog. I worry you might be bored, so I'll do it some other day. Anyway, this kimono is called Kurume-Gasuri, and this obi is calld Shouen-zome. When I take the train, I wear dark color them. I thought that my outfit was too dark, so I added then to my kimono book. The pink title was an accent color! I recommend adding some vivid colors when you feel like something's missing.

二階から一望できる素敵な盆栽庭園も見どころです。ベルサイユ宮殿の庭園の1000分の1くらいの小さな小さな庭園ですけれど、眺めていると宇宙に繋がっていくような感覚が果てしなく広がっていきました。他にも盆栽のことを語りたいのですが、ここはファッションブログですので、またにしますね。 さて、この日の着物は、単衣の久留米絣、帯は松煙染めです。電車で移動するときは地味なコーディネイトは・・・少々渋すぎたかも。そんなときは、『お洒落着物イズム』の本を手に持つだけで、タイトルのピンク色が明るいアクセントになるので是非、試してみてくださいね。


  1. The museum is beautiful. I love what you are wearing. It is so beautiful. Kisses!

  2. Such a wonderful place, I wish to visit this museum one day! You look stunning my dear :-)

  3. This look is really beautiful and such a lovely place!

  4. You look so beautiful and serene as the garden Akiko-san. I would love to visit the place too. I feel that it must be such a destressful time to be there, be in the moment, and just relive and appreciate the beauty of nature. I am always reminded of a poem which was entitled "bonsai"by a Filipina poet and it has such a nice ring to it - knowing that there is love and beauty even in tiny things such as bonsai.

    love lots,

  5. this blog post was super peacefull!! i love your outfi that you wore to this museum! - beautiful place!

    Jadieegosh   Instagram

  6. I'm sorry I haven't been around for a while, it's been such a busy few weeks. But I'm glad to arrive just in time to join you in this museum. I admire the peaceful serenity and you looks so lovely in your kimono.

  7. So beautiful and I love the pop of pink from holding your book.

  8. It must have been an amazing experience visiting this bonsai museum. The photographs are amazing. It looks like such a serene place. I can't wait to hear you talk more about bonsai trees. I'm absolutely fascinated by bonsai trees, I think they're real works of art. So far I have only seen olive and pine bonsai trees. Bonsai trees are rare here and they're also typically quite expensive.

    I really like your outfit. The dark kimono is very elegant and I like the belt you paired it with. Your bag is very chic and I like how you added some colour to your outfit with your kimono book. You look beautiful!


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