The Kitazawa Hachiman Shrine Festival 2019

Today I am going to write about the report pf my traditional Japanese dance for the Kitazawa Hachiman shrine festival. I have been dedicated my dance to the god every year since 2011. Thank you for coming to the shrine at this festival! This year, it was the first time that my grandson, who was born this spring, and my mother came to see me dance there. She looked excited seeing her great-grandson than my dance. I performed 'Takasagao' and 'Imogashira' that is same as the last year's program. Both of them are very happy programs. 'Imogashira' means a tuber of taro plant in Japanese. Taro has many children, so it represents the prosperity of descendants. I danced in the hope of everyone's happiness. I wore this gorgeous kimono, and you can know more informations about it on my another blog, kimonoism10. I also posted new painting of three fashion illustrations of mixing and matching of this kimono! Click here.

北澤八幡さまでの奉納舞は今年も大勢の方に楽しんでいただき嬉しかったです。暑い中、観にきていただきありがとうございました。去年は舞台後の帰り道に息子から、「子供だできた」とおめでたい報告があり、今年の春に生まれた初孫も観にきてくれました。母も愛知から来てくれて、ひ孫に会えてとても喜んでいました。今年も子孫繁栄の『芋頭』を舞いましたので、世界中でおめでたいことが増えたらいいなあと思っています。芋頭の意味ですが、里芋の親芋のことなんですよ。 親芋は、子芋をたくさんつけているので縁起物とされ、お正月の雑煮やお節料理に使われます。この豪華な衣装の大彦についてはkimonosim10の9月のコラムで熱く語らせていただきましたので、そちらも是非お楽しみくださいませ。

After my performance, I watched the video of my dance and found a lot of room for improovement. Next year, it will be my 10th year dedicating my performance to the shrine, so I would love to show you something special. I would like to prepare little by little for the stage from now on. Occasionally, happenings like a movie 'Whiplash' opposed me, but your applause and messages encourage me. I feel that the shrine always supports me. Once again, thank you so much!!


Daihiko kimono, Yasujiro Yamaguchi obi, Komatuya zori, Mame bag


  1. This looks like such a cool festival, and the outfits are all absolutely gorgeous. I am excited to see your next performance!

    Have a great week :)
    Amy x Wandering Everywhere

  2. I wish I could have seen you dance. You look so beautiful in your kimono. The dancing photographs from the performance are amazing. This shrine looks so special. I'm sure it was a lovely festival.

  3. Hey Akiko, I saw a sneak peek of this kimono on Instagram and I was thrilled to read the blog post.... Your kimonos are pieces of art and I like how you tell us about your performances, I would love to see one live one day, congrats on your work!

    Best regards !

  4. Love every beautiful detail of this culture. I would have loved seeing the dance live!

  5. Your outfit is beautiful and it's so special you could perform there! :)

    Hope that you are having a great week :) I've just posted a giveaway on my blog!

    Away From Blue

  6. Such a lovely festival and you look fab in your traditional outfit!
    Kisses, Paola.


  7. Such a beautiful festival. Thank you so much for sharing it through your photos and great written post.

    New Post -


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