My New Comic Book About Franz Kafka in Tokyo

Hi everyone! I hope you had a wonderful weekend! Yesterday, I wore this gold dress and went to a book fair for my new comic book at Books Kinokuniya, Kokubunji store. The book will be released 22nd this month in Japan, but you can get pre-release my book at the store. Thank you for their great book fair ! I am very happy, so I chose this gold dress. One of the images from Celine S/S 2020 collection on WWD Japan inspired my outfit with a belt and long boots.

みなさま、こんにちは。週末はいかがお過ごしでしたでしょうか?私は、お洒落して話題の”絶望ブックフェア&特設パネル展”へお出かけしてきました。 会場は紀伊國屋書店国分寺店さん。今月22日に発売予定の私の新刊を先行発売していただいております。国分寺店のみなさま、素敵なブックフェアを本当にありがとうございます。本のタイトルは『もうひとつのカフカの東京絶望名人』。 お店で色紙にサインも書かせていただくことになりましたので、華やかなゴールドのロングドレスを選んで、コーディネイトは下のWWD JAPANのCELINEのS/S 2020コレクション画像を参考にして、ロングブーツとベルトを合わせてみました。素敵でしょ!

I wore a puffer jacket on a long coat. The coat is thin, so it is cold on February. We usually wear a coat on a jacket, so my outfit is a little strange, isn't it? I feel like that I got a new coat! Anyway, I would like to explain my new book. I drew a comic based on Franz Kafka's diary five years ago, this time I drew about Franz Kafka again. The former is a story in Praha, the later is a story in Tokyo. Kafka is a men's fashion model in Tokyo in my new book. I didn't long text, so many people in the world can speculate the story from my drawing. If you are in Tokyo now, You can get my new book with my autograph at Books Kinokuniya, Kokubunji store! More information on the store's Twitter

アウターは、薄手のロングコートの上にショート丈のパフジャケットを羽織り、逆レイヤーのコーデが偶然うまくまとまりました。新しいアウターが増えたような錯覚がとても気分いいです。 さて、新刊の内容ですが、東京で暮らすカフカがメンズファッションモデルになり東京都23区で次々と絶望していくお洒落なブラックコメディです。カフカの絶望シリーズが初めての方にも分かりやい本に仕上がりましたので、是非、お気軽にお手にとっていただけると嬉しいです。本の中には、非売品のポストカード(美しい鈴木拡樹さんとシュールな私のイラスト)も入っているんですよ。絶望フェアは21日までで、私のサイン本も置かせていただきました。詳しくは紀伊國屋書店国分寺店さんのツイッターで♡

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  1. Congrats on your book launch! That's amazing. I love your art.
    The gold dress is so pretty and I like how you belted it.
    The outfit you wore for this book fair where you presented your comic book is so chic.
    You look fantastic!!!!

  2. Oh this is such amazing news Akiko! Huge congratulations on the comic book. Wish I was in Japan so I could grab one right now! I love what you wore, that dress is so lovely on you. I love the touch with the belt.


  3. So awesome that you published your own book. Congrats my friend!
    I love the gold dress you chose to wear.

  4. Congrats on your book launch!

    Love your review as always ))

  5. I already congratulated you on Instagram but I wanted to say it again here... Congratulations on this achievement, it is so important for your career and hope you get the chance to do even more amazing things!

    The look and the venue are perfect, as usual you took care of all the details :)
    Good that you took a little bit of inspiration from Céline!


  6. Congratulations on the new book!!! I so admire your talent. And the gold dress was the perfect look for the fair, such an elegant look. Very well done, my friend.

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  8. Congratulations on the book it sounds so interesting and I LOVE the design!! And the dress is stunning what a good job you did replicating the Celine look. And love your bag and the boots too. Great look.

    Allie of


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