Outfit Inspired By "Judy"

Hello everyone! In my opinion, panic by COVID19 in Tokyo seems calm down. I hope you are fine in the world! Today's outfit is inspired by a movie, "Judy". It was released recently in Japan. I worked with this film distribution company and drew some illustrations for the movie flyer.

みなさま、こんにちは。 日本でもついに映画『ジュディ 虹の彼方に』が公開になりましたね。私は映画のフライヤーにイラストを描かせていただき、さらに本日のコーディネイトは、ジュディ・ガーランドのステージ衣装に影響をうけてスタイリングしてみました。

Kate Spade dress, Bottega Veneta bag, Lanvin shoes, Saint Laurent Sunglasses, Amaproject bracelet, H&H ring

I guess that Judy Garland often wore stage costumes made by gobelin tapestry . Those clothes are so gorgeous, elegant, and powerful like her performance. However many times Judy fell, she got up and kept going. I was so moved, then I looked for similar to her dress and chose this green botanical dress in my closet! There are some botanical items in S/S 2020 collections, for example Dolce&Gabbana and Versace. To be honest, I thought about today's outfit for my nephew and niece's piano recital, but it was postponed due to health concerns around COVID19. Children seems so sad, and I am sad, too. However, Haiku party mates gave me a heartwarming information. That is "amaproject", which is supported by volunteers of Aftermath of the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami. I got this bracelet on their online shop. A red bead represents passion, and a green bead represents peace. It is so easy to adjust the size, and those beads look like lovely sea creature! Again, I hope people help each other from the current crisis as best as we can.

ジュディ・ガーランドの60年代後半のステージ衣装は、多分ゴブラン織かなあと思うのですが、実際の映像も映画の中も豪華で上品でパワフル。ジュディの歌唱力とパフォーマンスにぴったりです。倒れても倒れても立ち上がるジュディに感動して、私もクローゼットの中から似たような服を探してみました。選ばれたのはこのグリーンのボタニカルの刺繍のドレス。今季は、ドルチェ&ガッパーナやヴェルサーチェなどでボタニカル柄のお洋服を多くみかけます。 実は、今回のスタイリングは甥っ子と姪っ子のピアノの発表会にと思って考えていたコーディネイト。延期になって子供たちはとても残念そう。私ももちろん残念です。そんなときに、東日本大震災のボランティアの一つ、アマプロジェクトのことを教えてもらって、オンラインショップでお買い物しました。その中の一つが、この素敵なブレスレットです。海の生き物を思いださせる綺麗な色のビーズが可愛いいでしょ。赤いビーズは情熱を、緑は希望を現しているそうです。サイズ調整もお洒落で簡単でびっくりしました。詳しくはアマプロジェクトの公式サイトで♡

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  1. That dress really suit on you!!
    Amaproject sounds so great, and I your bracelet is so beautiful!

  2. That dress is so gorgeous. I like pattern and how you style it. It looks perfectly on you. I didn't watch that movie, so thank you for recommendation.

    New Post - https://www.exclusivebeautydiary.com/2020/03/kerastase-resistance-masque_20.html

  3. Glad to hear things have calmed down there. And what a cute idea! You look great in this.

    Allie of

  4. I love this outfit! The print looks gorgeous on you, and I really love how you have styled the whole look.

    I hope that you're staying safe during this coronavirus outbreak, and are feeling well.

    Have a good weekend!

    Amy x Wandering Everywhere

  5. ジュディと平松さんのイラストが ぴったりですね‼
    ブレスレットのつけ方も 参考になりました♥

  6. That is a beautiful dress on you. Hope you're staying safe. Great to hear how civil it is in your country. My own is very uncertain, a lot of crazies at the supermarket and a lot of uncertainty over job security.


  7. Lovely look, great accessories too!
    Havent seen the movie yet.
    i am so glad your life is getting into the normal!

  8. Wonderful dress, u look really perfect! 

  9. Great your look
    Loving the print of your dress

    Kiss kiss.*Jo
    Jo & Company Style

  10. Hey Akiko, hope you're doing good in these strange and weird times we're living.... first of all I feel happy everytime I see one of your drawings in my feed and on your blogs! :) So keep doing and that!

    I really want to watch this film, specially since they say Renee Zellweger did a great job playing Judy, her life is full of experiences that navigates between the hard and the emotional.

    Oooh and your interpretation of Judy is so classy but with a little bit of modernity ;)

    Best regards and keep safe!

  11. I always love it when you're inspired by the movies. I enjoyed Judy as well.

  12. you look beautiful in that floral dress. This is a great intepretation of the Judy look.
    I agree we should help one another in this crisis.


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