My Home Interior With Three Limited Kakejiku

Hi everyone! I hope you are having a wonderful day! How is your decorating for Christmas? I haven not done yet, but I am planning! Anyway, today's blog is about my home interior with kakejiku. Kakejiku means a hanging scroll.

These three limited Japanese paper prints kakejiku are on my Etsy shop. It was the first time that I made the limited kakejiku. The parts of all three prints are same, but other parts are different. Kakejiku master, Taishin Sagawa and I chose different color silk cloths, and he made kakejiku with my prints. These limited kakejiku look so beautiful like original paintings kakejiku. On my shop, there are original paintings kakejiku and limited prints kakejiku. Sometimes I sell digital download prints! I really love kakejiku because it is light and compact art. I would love to hang different art on the wall depends on my feeling. It is easy to change a kakejiku to another one! You can know how to wrap kakejiku from my newest video on the following YouTube. If you have some questions, please leave it in my comment on today's blog!!

和紙の複製プリントで三幅、掛軸師の佐河太心さんに作っていただきました。複製を作るのは初めてでしたが、予想以上の仕上がりに自分でもうっとりしてしまいました。プリントの和紙以外は、佐河さんと一緒に生地や軸を選んだので、複製といっても一つずつ違うところが魅力です。 Etsy掛軸ショップでは、オリジナルの水墨画の掛軸と今回の限定複製掛軸を販売中です。時々、期間限定のデジタルダウンロード販売もしておりますので、よかったらみにきてくださいね!掛軸の魅力は、あっという間にコンパクトになるところ。掛軸の巻き方のYouTubeは気合の入った動画が多かったので、リラックスしながら巻けるビデオも作りました。掛軸のある空間は心を穏やかにしてくれるので、そういったこともこれからもっとみなさまに分かりやすくお伝えしていきたいです。掛軸に関するご質問など、ブログのコメント欄かEtsyまでお気軽にお問い合わせくださいね。それでは来週もお楽しみに♡


  1. Hey Akiko, how's your week so far? I hope you're having a nice winter time :)

    Thanks for always introducing us to interesting topics, I've heard about kakejiku but obviously just the basics but now I have to say there's an interest to see more about this format! I loved the fact that there is an specific way to roll it and to display it, you made a quick and functional video in your Youtube. I'll see if I can get practice my skills first with a mock up and hopefully, one day with a real kakejiku.

    I also loved how kakejiku's look in your place, specially matching the lilies and the pink book by Saint Laurent!


  2. Hi Akiko, you're style always elegant and stylish :) greetings from Turkey...

  3. I love your paintings. They look amazing as hanging scrolls. Great to know more about kakejiku. It is amazing you worked with a kakejiku master to select colours for your prints and paintings. Have a lovely day!

  4. P.S. I didn't start decorating yet. I usually decorate on Christmas Eve.

  5. Love your home aesthetics and the scroll looks beautiful!

  6. Oh wow, those are super pretty! I love the aesthetics <3

    Lots of love,
    Krissi of the marquise diamond

  7. Great post dear, so nice and interesting, love it!

  8. Thank you for your lovely comments!! Have a fantastic day<3


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