Happy New Year! Gorgeous Kimono From Mrs R And Happy Obi (Kimono Belt)

Hi everyone, Happy New year! I hope you will have a great year and see a little good something here every week. Today's blog is about a gorgeous kimono from Mrs R and a happy obi (kimono belt)!!

明けましておめでとうございます。みなさまにとって素敵な一年になりますように、いいことが起きますように! さて今年も、私の日常で見つけたちょっといい事を発信していこうと思いますので毎週楽しみにしていてくださいね。さて、本日は着物のお話です。R子お姉さまにいただいた豪華な着物に、ゑり善さんオリジナルの袋帯を合わせてみました。

Mrs R gave me some kimonos last year, and I posted about her another kimono here. I love this kimono with predominantly flowing water patterns and a few wave crest patterns. People say that flowing water patterns throw disaster, and flowing water also means that it is always fresh. Wave crest patterns means indomitable mental strength because rocks and ground are changed to different shapes by a lot of repeat waves. Those meanings seem like Wonder Woman. I didn't want to be too strong, so I added this lovely obi (a kimono belt) with Shippo patterns. People say that the pattrens mean happy balance or good relationship because each circles connect infinitely. As a final touch, I selected this objime (a string on kimono belt) because those pastel colors are soft and beautiful accent. It is suitable for New Year! Anyway, I posted a new video how to wear a kimono with English subtitles on my YouTube! If you have a kimono or you will have it in the future, that video will help you! It is so easy and clear, and the narration is my son. I really hope we will start a new thing and keep it this new year!

R子お姉さまにいただいた豪華な染めのお着物。全体に大胆で細かい流水文、ところどころに奥ゆかしく力強い女波の波頭が組み合わされています。流水文には苦難やわざわいをさらりと流し、常に流れている水の清らかさの意味があります。波の紋様については、なんども押し寄せて岩や地形も変えてしまうことから粘り強くて不屈の精神を願うと言われています。ワンダーウーマンのような意味の着物ですよね。次に、お気に入りの淡いピンクの七宝の袋帯で優しさも足してみました。円形が永遠につながる七宝の柄は、円満と調和を願う縁起の良い吉祥文様。 色を少し加えたかったので、仕上げに帯締めの中パステルカラーをアクセントにしました。新年の抱負がつまった着物コーデに大満足です。 実は年末から、ずっと作ってみたかった着付け動画を制作していて、やっとできましたのでよかったらYouTube、見てくださいね!今年は着付けを覚えてみたいという初心者の方や、久しぶりに着物を着てみたいけど手順を忘れてしまった方に向けて、シンプルに分かりやすくしてみました。さらに、アンジさんのナレーションでモチベーションもあがること間違いなし、着物を着ない方にも楽しんでいただける内容ですので息抜きにぜひ覗いてみてくださいね。それでは来週もお楽しみに♡


  1. Happy New Year dear Akiko! I wish you all the best. You look beautiful n this kimono with a flowing water print. Your obi belt looks great too. Such an elegant bag as well. You always look beautiful and sophisticated.
    I enjoyed your kimono wearing video.

    1. Happy New Year dear Ivana!
      Thank you for seeing my video<3
      I bet kimono suit you!


  2. Happy New Year 2021, Akiko.
    I wish you good wishes and everything will go well as well as success.
    The new kimona you wear is very beautiful in color and pattern.
    The photo shoot on location is also beautiful.

  3. Thats a great idea to styling outfit. Love it so much!

    AL- Chic and Comfy Tops

  4. Wow!! This look is super from head to toe!!

  5. Great kimono. Happy new year, stay safe and healthy

  6. Lovely kimono and that YSL bag is so chic in white!
    Wishing you a lovely and healthy new year my dear Akiko!

    Kisses, Paola.


    My Instagram

  7. Another fantastic look, dear Akiko! I'm not sure I'll ever get to wear a kimono but I enjoyed the how-to.

  8. Hello dear Akiko,

    First of all I hope you're having a good start of the year! Wish to keep sharing with you creative and inspiring content!

    I adore the way you started the year, with a really lovely kimono with a lot of amazing details to look at! The obi belt is also magnificent, is like the cherry on top and a good addition, definitely the most important part are the details!

    I also loved how you styled it with a contemporary YSL bag! A mix of expressions!

    Gonna check the other posts I missed!

    Hey Fungi

  9. Gorgeous kimono, happy New Year for you too:)

  10. he kimono print is so pretty! very elegant and somehow romantic. I think it really is perfect to spend New Year in


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