My favorite Cosmetic Brands 2021, Fenty Beauty And Amplitude

Hello everyone! I hope you are having lovely days! Today's blog is about my favorite cosmetics. My favorite cosmetic brands are changed once every about four years because new products with the brand identity change my perspective, and I feel like that it is a journey in my life.

みなさま、こんにちは。連休はいかがでしたか?私の一番楽しかったことは、ブログの撮影です。最近お気に入りのコスメ、Fenty BeautyとAmplitudeのブツ撮りをしました。化粧品のブランドは数年ごとに気分転換もかねてお気に入りが変わります。なぜなら、旅行した時と同じような気分になれるから♡

I love Fenty Beauty lips and eyeshadow palette because they create smooth texture and they don't come off easily. Additionally, it is so great that Fenty Beauty have the infomations for mature. The octagonal and hexagonal shaping of packages look so powerful and beautiful. There are a lot of hexagonal shaping patterns of kimono, too. Next, I am going to about Amplitude. A brush of concealer is so great because I am a illustrator and I know about brush well. I would love to call it a miracle concealer. Unfortunately I couldn't take a good photo, so please check it on Amplitude website. This stick foundation is so popular, but I am not sure whether it is good or not for me because because I don't use a foundation everyday. I am really into the translusent pressed powder. I put it on my face by the attached brush, then it put a smile on my face always! Lastly, this Celine Parade eau de parfum is perfect for me. My favorite perfume is also changed once every about four years. It is like a Olympics! Occationally, hair and makeup artists come to my home, so the interior theme is a private and comfy salon. What is your favorite cosmetic brand lately?

Fenty Beautyはリップアイシャドウも肌にピタッと色が定着するところに驚きました。お手頃価格なのに年齢が高い人向けにも対応していて感激。着物にも文様としてよく使われる六角形と、パワーのシンボルとして使われる八角形のパッケージも強くて美しいです。 Amplitudeについては、コンシーラーが最高です。例えるなら「優秀な魔法の筆」、とでも言いましょうか。それなのにいい写真が撮れなくてお見せすることができませんでした・・・。とにかく、イラストレーターの私は筆に敏感。こんなにしなやかな筆タイプのコンシーラーは初めてです。スティックタイプのファンデーションは、実はまだ使いこなせていないので後日感想をお伝えしますね。プレストパウダーは付属の刷毛でささっとするだけで笑顔になります。 香水もオリンピック周期でお気に入りが変わります。CELINEのパラードは軽いのに存在感があるところが今の気分にぴったりです。
インテリアは、インタビュー撮影がある時にヘアメイクさんが来てくださるのでプライベートサロン風にしています。 それでは来週もお楽しみに♡

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  1. What a fun post! And such great products.

  2. These products look very beautiful. I still didn't try any of Fenty Beauty products and this is first time that I heard for Aplitude brand.

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  3. I love this post :) thanks for your sharing...

  4. So many lovely products here, thanks for sharing!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Instagram

  5. I haven't tried any of the Fenty beauty products yet. Thank you for sharing these. The packaging is beautiful.

  6. Love the brands you mentioned!! Gorgeous photos x

  7. I love Fenty beauty as well Akiko. Everything I have tried by that brand, I have fallen in love with. The quality is amazing!

  8. Photos are amazing ! Love your review as always ))

  9. You look beautiful in your kimono. I like this palette. Lovely photos.


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