Art Pieces For My Eclectic Living Room

Hi everyone! I hope you are having a good day, although there are sad news in the world. It is getting warmer and warmer in Tokyo. Are you planning for spring cleaning? I finished last month because my rooms which were took photos for Japanese magazine! Today, I will show you art pieces for my living room. I think that my style is one of an eclectic interior decoration. First, I love mid-century modern furniture for example, Eames, Isamu Noguchi, Florence Knoll, and so on. I have collected them since I was 27 years old when I gave my son. They are so simple, beautiful, and familiar. Whenever they come into my field vision, I can cultivate sensitivity. There are some different art pieces which came to my home because of the reason I just love them. It is a happy time to decorate different art pieces with mid-century modern furniture. It is similar to add a basic outfit with some of my favorite statement accessories.
みなさま、こんにちは。混乱の世の中ですが、お元気ですか? もう、3月ですね! 欧米では春に大掃除。年末にできなかった私は、先月、大掃除をしました。雑誌のインテリア取材もあったのでがんばりました。そこで本日は、きれいになったリビングのアートについてまとめてみますね。まず、私のインテリアスタイルは、和と様の折衷スタイルの一つになるのかなと思います。20代後半から少しずつ集めているミッドセンチュリーの家具たちは、シンプルな美しさと親しみやすさが日本の家にもしっくりきます。お気に入りは、イームズやノル、イサム・ノグチなど。洗練された芸術性の高いフォルムの家具を眺めてうっとり。毎日毎日、視野に入るだけでセンスが磨かれるような気がします。それらの家具を配置した空間に、ただ好きという理由だけで集まった宝物のアートピースたち。バランスよく飾れた瞬間は、ベーシックコーデにお気に入りのアクセサリーを素敵に身につけることができた時のような喜びを感じます。

I got two same Eams stools at Gallery 1950. First, Eames made the stool series as side tables. Ray Eames often sat on them, so they called them stools. The stool is so beautiful, so it is good to see as an art piece. My wooden house was built in 2001. I put the stool in a little old room, then the room looks so luxurious. They go well with my kakejiku (hanging scrolls) artworks, and you can get my art Etsy shop.
Gallery1950で二つの同じデザインのイームズ のスツールはGallery1950で。Gallery1950はハーマンミラーの代理店もしていらっしゃるので、保証書付きで購入できます。このスツールは本当はサイドテーブルとして作られたそう。レイ・イームズがよく座っていたのでいつのまにかスツールとして販売されることに。アートピースとしての存在感もすばらしいです。我が家はもう築20年の木造なんですけど、このスツール を部屋に置くだけで極上の空間に。さらに、イームズスツール は私の掛軸にもよく合うんですよ。よかったらお店ものぞいてみてくださいね。

I have some great art paintings and prints by blogging friends! It is so happy time to hang them on the wall or put on chairs. I feel like talking with the great artists.

This Mexican art by Adi. I have never seen such cute Mexican artworks in all my life. Her love of creatures is so warm, and she knows well about Japanese cultures. I posted about her art works here. <> Adiのメキシカンアート。こんなにかわいいメキシカンアートは見たことがありません。Adiはどんな女性かといいうと、生き物に対する愛が大きくて、日本の文化にも詳しい女の子。Adiについての記事はこちら

Original painting by Ivana Sprit. I guess that she painted a beautiful alien because she knows science fiction well! I posted about her art works here. Her blog
Ivana Spritこの絵の美しい女性は、もしかしたらエイリアンかもしれません。なぜなら、IvanaはSFにとても詳しいから!彼女については、こちらの記事で♡

My son is sitting the Eams vintage chair from Gallery 1950. Whenever he sits on it, I can hear the noise like that it might break down. The little Knoll vintage chair from Gallery 1950, too. When I was pregnant, I got it for my son. My weight is light, so I can sit both of the chairs.
アンジさんが座っているヴィンテージのイームズ もGallery 1950のもの。アンジさんが座るたびに壊れそうな音がするので体重制限をすることにしました。隣の小さなノルの子供椅子は、アンジさんがお腹の中にいるときに、これもGallery1950で。

To be honest, this is a tea cup from Hakusan. I use it as a flower vase. It has minimal design, but I feel warmth. An illustrator mate gave me a long time ago. Deep green Nandina is so good with the pure white.

The perfume bottle from Celine is really minimal and luxury. I love shopping at Omotesando Celine. The shop interior is shined by the a lot of mirrors. It is a high sense of beauty and rebelliousness. It is inspiring.
ミニマルでラグジュアリーなセリーヌの香水ボトル。セリーヌはお店のインテリアも好きなので、オンラインよりも表参道の路面店でお買い物することの方が多いです。 ショップでは、ピカピカの鏡と美意識の高い反骨精神にとてもインスパイアされます。

Lastly, I am going to tell you about two wooden bears by Go Watabe under the Isamu Noguch coffee table. I knew about him from one of my assistant about 10 years ago. Twitter @EGO_S54
These art pieces in the living room inspire me always. When I am confused, my rooms are messy. However, they make me calm after tiding up and decorating them. How are you inspired by your favorite art pieces? Next time, I will post about Exhibition "Joan Miró and Japan". Have a lovely day!!

最後に、渡部剛さんの作品の木彫りのクマについて。他の部屋のいることもありますが、この日はイサム・ノグチのコーヒーテーブルの下に。剛さんは、10年くらい前に、アシスタントさんに教えてもらった作家さん。Twitter @EGO_S54
これらのリビングのアートピースは日常のインスピレーション。頭の中が混乱しているときは部屋が片付きませんが、お気に入りのアートと向かい合いながら一番いい場所に飾っていくと部屋も頭もすっきりします。みなさまはお気に入りのアートからどんな影響を受けていますか? 次回は、Bunkamuraで開催中の国内では20年ぶり、大規模ミロ回顧展をお届けします。楽しみにしていてくださいね♡


  1. Very nice and elegant details... thanks for your sharing...

  2. It is nice to tour your living room.

  3. What a lovely room tour! Your living room looks so stylish and all the pieces work well together even though they are so different! I love the cup as a vase, it's very cute!

    Hope that your week is going well! The flood waters have gone down here so we are no longer flooded in which is awesome :)

    Away From The Blue

  4. Your living room looks great! I love that coffee table.

  5. Wow your room in magazine. Very nice room that you have. I wish that one day I could my room look aesthetic too

  6. You look very stylish in your beautiful home. The art and furniture in your home is so well placed. You have great taste. Thank you for mentioning me and for framing my art. Have a lovely day!

  7. Hello Akiko, I hope everything is going well on your side and that you are having a good month!

    Ooh woow, this post just amazed me! You know I am a great fan of interior design so I see a lot of aesthetically pleasant things over here! From the art on the wall (I spot Ivana and that's amazing) and also things that you made.... everything is so detailed and beautiful *_*

    I also love the fact that your house is decorated with very genuine things like the Aesop bottle with a plant (can I copy that detail for my home?) and that impressive retro table!

    Have a lovely weekend!

  8. wow i totally love the details of your living room! i like mid century interior design too and i love how you artistically combined all the pieces with little details like your painting and the vase

    I’m wishing you a wonderful weekend ahead

    style frontier

  9. I love these! So classy!

    Lots of love,
    Krissi of the marquise diamond

  10. Really gorgeous Akiko! I love your sense for room decor. This is so beautiful!

  11. You have a beautiful home, Akiko, very stylish and very YOU.

  12. the vibe in your living room like in cafe. so peaceful.

  13. Stunning items! SO very inspiring for me! My husband and I are decorating and generally making our new place so it's most useful to me. We have ordered an art piece but everything else is just not there yet. Your style in living places connects with mine so I enjoy it a lot and find it a great source of inspo. I even pinned some


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